If your thoughts keep you from being happy, then you might benefit from emotional healing and transformation. For your emotional healing and transformation to be successful, having a relaxed mind and body is essential.

Different emotional therapies make use of different emotional healing and transformation techniques, but their common goal is to release negative emotional energy. Aside from being able to choose the most suitable therapy for you, it is also important to have a mentor or a life coach who can connect with you deeply and guide you from the heart. Tris Thorp is one of the best mentors who can help you with Mental and Emotional Release® Therapy.

Tris can guide you through your healing with Mental and Emotional Release® therapy, which is a process created by Dr. Matt James. This therapy will allow you to let go of your negative emotions and restricting beliefs.

Whether you are angry, sad or scared, Mental and Emotional Release® therapy can help resolve your issues and allow you to live a more fulfilling life. Tris begins emotional healing and transformation with MER® therapy. This serves as a “clean up” that will help you move forward toward your healing and transformation without any unfavorable thoughts or feelings getting in the way.

Tris can also mentor you with your meditation, especially when it comes to primordial sound meditation. Primordial sound meditation is a traditional technique that will help you transcend your mind’s constant flow of thoughts and bring yourself to the state of pure awareness. Primordial sound meditation will also reawaken your balance and help you find inner peace.

Tris will teach you how to integrate primordial sound meditation into your daily routine. With her private one-on-one coaching, you’ll be guided through primordial sound meditation and therapy towards emotional healing and transformation.