On the Path
with Tris

Empowering tips, practices, insights
and opportunities for living your best life

Self-Doubt Holding You Back? Read This!

Self-Doubt Holding You Back? Read This!

Hey there, friend— ​ I hope this finds you living well and feeling inspired. ​ I’m feeling called to address something you likely continue to struggle with, despite all the healing and personal...

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December Self-Reflection Practice

December Self-Reflection Practice

  Every year in December, I spend some focused time recapitulating the year for the purpose of feeling gratitude for the people, events and experiences that helped me become a better version of...

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Welcoming a New Era of Leadership

Welcoming a New Era of Leadership

We are ALL leaders to some capacity. We influence and affect everyone we come in contact with...EVERYONE. Leadership is something we do--consciously or unconsciously--through our daily choices and...

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End of Year Reflection

End of Year Reflection

How many times have you heard this, “wow, what a crazy year 2020 has been,” or, “I can’t wait for things to return to normal.” I think we can all agree that 2020 has been atypical (for at least a...

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Intentional Meditation

Intentional Meditation

Meditation is more than clearing one’s mind, it can also serve as a means to intentionally create positive change in your life.   We’ve all heard the expression, “two birds, one stone.” ...

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Goal Setting With The Changing Seasons

Goal Setting With The Changing Seasons

Seasons Change our Perspectives    I don't know about you, but the older I get the more I enjoy the shift from summer to fall. Maybe it's because of the season of my life, or maybe I'm just...

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Befriending Your Dark Side

Befriending Your Dark Side

The shadow can be defined in many different ways with one being, “an imperfect and faint representation.”   Exploring our shadow side is about coming face to face with the aspects of ourselves that...

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Shadow Work 101: Your Inner ArchEnemy

Shadow Work 101: Your Inner ArchEnemy

  We have all heard the expression “Keeping up with the Joneses.”  The expression implies comparing yourself to your neighbors as a benchmark for social class.  This saying is generally...

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How to Manage Emotions Under Pressure

How to Manage Emotions Under Pressure

Managing emotions under pressure can seem like an impossible task.    In our increasingly busy lives filled with endless to-do’s and seemingly not enough time in the day, it’s easy to feel like...

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Letting Go of Emotional Suffering

Letting Go of Emotional Suffering

Have you found yourself experiencing an overwhelming emotion, but don’t quite know how to cope with it?   Maybe you find yourself in an emotional loop of distractions and unhealthy habits that...

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Boundaries + Communication

Boundaries + Communication

Communicating healthy boundaries in your relationships is crucial in order to truly feel comfortable. Develop trust within the partnership and gain overall positive self-esteem. When talking about...

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Overcoming Anxiety Q&A

Overcoming Anxiety Q&A

"Slow breathing is like an anchor in the midst of an emotional storm: the anchor won't make the storm go away, but it will hold you steady until it passes." - Russ Harris     For many of...

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Goal Setting For A Happier Life

Goal Setting For A Happier Life

    Goals, whether big or small, can be the stepping-stones to living a happier, more fulfilling life, and the WAY we set our goals can make a huge difference in whether or not we actually achieve...

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