Everyday Magic: 3 Daily Rituals to Connect You to the Present

Everyday Magic: 3 Daily Rituals to Connect You to the Present

Psychologist Dr. Jean Houston has said that we are the victims of an “age of interrupted process.” Meaning, you generally know a bit about how things begin and how they end, but you are rarely present throughout the middle – or the process. The point she...
A Guided Meditation to Embrace Summertime

A Guided Meditation to Embrace Summertime

With summer rapidly approaching, you may be gearing up for the fun, excitement, and spontaneity that are just around the corner. Out comes the camping gear, hot dogs, bathing suits, and beach towels as you prepare for family vacations, hot weather, and fun...
Meditation for Childbirth: How to Calm Your Nerves Before Labor

Meditation for Childbirth: How to Calm Your Nerves Before Labor

One of the most exciting times in a woman’s life is when she finds out that she is expecting a child. Feelings of exhilaration around starting a new family—or adding to it—consume the new mommy-to-be’s thoughts nonstop. Will it be a girl or a boy? Will he look like...