Hey there, friend— I’ve been doing some reflecting over the last year—on the moments that shaped me, the lessons that stretched me, and the experiences that softened my edges or strengthened my resolve in ways I didn’t expect. And, as I’ve been bringing...
How many times have you heard this, “wow, what a crazy year 2020 has been,” or, “I can’t wait for things to return to normal.” I think we can all agree that 2020 has been atypical (for at least a hundred reasons) and, is this baseline end-of-year sentiment really all...
While the beginning of a new year does signify new beginnings, every single day of your life is an opportunity to begin anew. As you’re wondering how to approach the coming year, and thinking about all that you’d like to accomplish and achieve, it’s...
As you reflect back on the past year, identify opportunities for taking your emotional health to the next level next year. It’s important to be aware that anytime you set an important goal and actively move toward it, you can come up against resistance, either from...