Shadow Work: Time to Take Off the Mask and Face Yourself

Shadow Work: Time to Take Off the Mask and Face Yourself

  Hey there, friend— You’ve likely noticed by now that I’m someone who takes the conversation to places that often feel uncomfortable and even triggering. The way I see it, that’s a good thing because when we’re triggered, we’re more inclined make changes. This...
Tips for Bringing Things to Completion with More Peace, Poise, and Personal Expansion

Tips for Bringing Things to Completion with More Peace, Poise, and Personal Expansion

  Hey there, friend— ​ Today we’re looking at our patterns for how we bring things to completion. How you bring things to completion will determine what you bring into your new beginnings. ​ Read that again and let that be your contemplation prompt for today. ​...
Emotional Regulation When Your Life is Spinning Out

Emotional Regulation When Your Life is Spinning Out

  Hey there, friend— This week on the path, I’m shining a light on finding ourselves and our center when life is dishing some mighty challenges. Many of us feel the desperate need to change other people or our circumstances when things aren’t working out...
How to Navigate the Loss of Your Identity, Purpose and Path

How to Navigate the Loss of Your Identity, Purpose and Path

  Hey there, friend— There’s a shared theme happening amongst a lot of people right now, and that is the eerie and unsettling sense that they’ve somehow lost their purpose, their identity, and their path. ​The undercurrent of 2023 has been laden with sudden loss,...
10 Excuses Why You’re Not Reaching Your Goals—and How to Push Past Them

10 Excuses Why You’re Not Reaching Your Goals—and How to Push Past Them

You have an intention. There’s something you really want to achieve in your life, possibly several things, and no matter how hard you try you’re just not able to make it happen. It’s frustrating beyond measure. Eventually, feeling destitute and deflated, you trade in...
How to Find Gratitude in Your Hardest Moments

How to Find Gratitude in Your Hardest Moments

Gratitude comes in many forms and how you experience it can vary a great deal, depending on your intention. It’s easy to hone in on the things you are grateful for when life is going well. A good economy, a happy family, a loving relationship, a successful career, and...
5 Ways to Build a Spiritual Connection with Your Partner

5 Ways to Build a Spiritual Connection with Your Partner

Everyone wants to have meaningful relationships, whether it’s with family and friends, a business partnership, or an intimate relationship. Yet, finding that special someone who is both your best friend and soul mate, and who can bridge the gap of everything in...
Feeling Stuck? Check Your Baggage

Feeling Stuck? Check Your Baggage

Baggage. Everyone has some. To what extent you’re able to maneuver through it is what determines your ability to achieve the success and fulfillment you want—in any area of your life. The key is learning how to know when your baggage is what’s holding you back from...
Fall Meditation to Embody Openness and Self-Reflection

Fall Meditation to Embody Openness and Self-Reflection

Ancient cultures welcomed the changing of seasons by adapting to and synchronizing themselves with nature’s cycles and rhythms. For many of us in modern day society, autumn is marked by the leaves changing color, back-to-school sales, and the arrival of fall décor in...
Everyday Magic: 3 Daily Rituals to Connect You to the Present

Everyday Magic: 3 Daily Rituals to Connect You to the Present

Psychologist Dr. Jean Houston has said that we are the victims of an “age of interrupted process.” Meaning, you generally know a bit about how things begin and how they end, but you are rarely present throughout the middle – or the process. The point she...
A Guided Meditation to Embrace Summertime

A Guided Meditation to Embrace Summertime

With summer rapidly approaching, you may be gearing up for the fun, excitement, and spontaneity that are just around the corner. Out comes the camping gear, hot dogs, bathing suits, and beach towels as you prepare for family vacations, hot weather, and fun...
How to Set Healthy Relationship Boundaries in All Areas of Life

How to Set Healthy Relationship Boundaries in All Areas of Life

Setting and enforcing healthy boundaries can be the thing that enhances or sabotages relationships in any area of your life, having a detrimental effect on your happiness, confidence, and sense of self-worth. Boundaries play a huge role in personal and professional...