Hey there, friend— Have you ever stood in the middle of your life and wondered… “Who am I now?” It’s a disorienting, hollow place—the moment when the roles that defined you fall away, and you’re left staring at an empty space where your identity used to be. I see this...
Hey there, friend— As I approached a critical point in my marriage where I would ask for a temporary separation—knowing deep inside it would likely be the end—I was toe-to-toe with my darkest thoughts and deepest fears. In the space between thoughts of the...
Hey there, friend— This week on the path, I’m zooming in on the two things that tend to consume us when we’re faced with making big life decisions—our emotions and the haunting thoughts that accompany them—plus the one thing we ignore when we shouldn’t—our...
Hey there, friend— This week on the path, unexpected change is in the air and some of what the Universe is dishing might have you feeling like “what the…what?!?” When change takes us by surprise (as it often does), it can feel shocking, confusing,...
Communicating healthy boundaries in your relationships is crucial in order to truly feel comfortable. Develop trust within the partnership and gain overall positive self-esteem. When talking about your boundaries, you need to be 100% clear about what works for you and...
“Slow breathing is like an anchor in the midst of an emotional storm: the anchor won’t make the storm go away, but it will hold you steady until it passes.” – Russ Harris For many of us, the uncertainty surrounding our current...
Regardless of your culture, theology, beliefs, or interests, you can embark on the path of becoming more spiritually aware. Here are five tips I’ve found helpful for those wishing to progress on their spiritual path.. Spirituality is gaining in popularity across the...
Have you ever made a News Years resolution and found that it did not last much longer than a few week or months into the year? If so, it’s possible the problem may be in your approach. As one year is brought to completion and we begin another, it can be exciting...
Several years ago, I was working for The Chopra Center—which I absolutely loved and was in my dharma—and, I was working way too much. My hours were long—I was stretched between running events, running teacher training’s, being a teacher myself and traveling....
As the seasons change, so do our activities, our schedules, and even our exposure to different kinds of viruses – all things that can challenge our overall wellness. So, while you reach for your pumpkin spice latte and snuggle up in your favorite cozy sweater, do your...
Summer’s here and it’s the time of year when you’re being called to enjoy the warmth and fun of the season. As a child, you may have waited all year for school to let out just so that you could swim in the lake with your friends, have outdoor parties, and lose...
Acts of violence, terrorism, and major natural catastrophes dominate global headlines and, in some cases, they have hit you directly. These events may make you question your faith, your beliefs, and your overall ability—or desire—to function in the world. There is no...
Baggage. Everyone has some. To what extent you’re able to maneuver through it is what determines your ability to achieve the success and fulfillment you want—in any area of your life. The key is learning how to know when your baggage is what’s holding you back from...
Ancient cultures welcomed the changing of seasons by adapting to and synchronizing themselves with nature’s cycles and rhythms. For many of us in modern day society, autumn is marked by the leaves changing color, back-to-school sales, and the arrival of fall décor in...
Achieving meaningful goals can be some of the most exhilarating, exciting, and empowering moments in your life. A key component of goal setting is having a vision of where you are heading. Your vision is your “true north” and, like a star in the sky, it is always...
You may be familiar with the phrase, “What you go looking for, you’re sure to find.” Every experience you have comes in through sensory perception—taste, touch, sight, sound, and smell. How you perceive and interpret your experiences will trigger a series of thoughts...
Creating Pattern Interrupts and Learning New Behaviors More and more people of all ages and walks of life are recognizing that they’ve adopted unhealthy behavior patterns and they’re desperately searching for a way out. A good dose of deconditioning...
As you reflect back on the past year, identify opportunities for taking your emotional health to the next level next year. It’s important to be aware that anytime you set an important goal and actively move toward it, you can come up against resistance, either from...
For many, the new year brings a renewed sense of excitement, hope and motivation; an opportunity to create change that will boast the newness we so crave. Whether you had marvelous 2014 or one that was marred with adversity, chances are that you’re ready for a fresh...
The definition of insanity as we know it – and we ALL know it – is “doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result”. How many times in the course of a lifetime do we have the same thoughts (memories) that lead us to...