Hey there, friend— As humans, we love the idea of fresh starts. A new year, a new project, a new relationship—they all promise a clean slate. But here’s the truth: If you haven’t resolved what’s unfinished in your life, it won’t stay in the past. It will follow you,...
Hey there, friend— I hope this finds you living well and feeling inspired. I’m feeling called to address something you likely continue to struggle with, despite all the healing and personal growth work you’ve done. Self-Doubt There are likely some areas in...
Hey there, friend— There are 3 integral areas of focus for those on the path of self-discovery, and those are emotional healing, personal growth, and spiritual development. Really, they’re all part of the one path. The differentiator is what part...
Hey there, friend— Today we’re looking at our patterns for how we bring things to completion. How you bring things to completion will determine what you bring into your new beginnings. Read that again and let that be your contemplation prompt for today. ...
Hey there, friend— This week on the path, I’m shining a light on finding ourselves and our center when life is dishing some mighty challenges. Many of us feel the desperate need to change other people or our circumstances when things aren’t working out...
Hey there, friend— As I approached a critical point in my marriage where I would ask for a temporary separation—knowing deep inside it would likely be the end—I was toe-to-toe with my darkest thoughts and deepest fears. In the space between thoughts of the...
Hey there, friend— There’s a shared theme happening amongst a lot of people right now, and that is the eerie and unsettling sense that they’ve somehow lost their purpose, their identity, and their path. The undercurrent of 2023 has been laden with sudden loss,...
Hey there, friend— This week on the path, I’m zooming in on the two things that tend to consume us when we’re faced with making big life decisions—our emotions and the haunting thoughts that accompany them—plus the one thing we ignore when we shouldn’t—our...
Hey there, friend— There comes a time in our life when we’re each faced with some difficult truth, and we’re forced to make a decision that will massively alter the course of our path. In this moment, the thing we fear the most is upon us—and no matter how...