Hey there, friend– What if I told you that some of the struggles you’re facing right now didn’t start with you? You weren’t born believing you weren’t enough. You weren’t born afraid to use your voice, or feeling like it’s your responsibility for fixing everyone...
Hey there, friend— It’s been a minute since I shared with you how I work with women on the path of inner healing and personal growth in a level of detail that gives you a big picture vision of how it all unfolds. Whether it’s in my membership program, 1-1...
Hey there, friend— I hope this finds you living well and feeling inspired. I’m feeling called to address something you likely continue to struggle with, despite all the healing and personal growth work you’ve done. Self-Doubt There are likely some areas in...
Hey there, friend— There’s a shared theme happening amongst a lot of people right now, and that is the eerie and unsettling sense that they’ve somehow lost their purpose, their identity, and their path. The undercurrent of 2023 has been laden with sudden loss,...
We often hear about executive coaching services, but what results can one expect from the guidance of an executive coach? This is especially true for executive women coaches. Women continue to be a dominant force in the workplace, and they may face unique challenges...
How many times have you heard this, “wow, what a crazy year 2020 has been,” or, “I can’t wait for things to return to normal.” I think we can all agree that 2020 has been atypical (for at least a hundred reasons) and, is this baseline end-of-year sentiment really all...
The word gratitude is derived from the Latin word gratia, which means gratefulness, grace, or graciousness. In other words, gratitude is the appreciation that a person either receives or that a person gives. When we express gratitude many of us do it in a tangible...
Meditation is more than clearing one’s mind, it can also serve as a means to intentionally create positive change in your life. We’ve all heard the expression, “two birds, one stone.” Beginning your day with reflection and meaningful intent means you show up...
From an early age we are taught to think about our future. It starts when our parents or other family members ask us, “what do you want to be when you grow up?” For the majority of us, we are then prepared to follow a fairly set life agenda – do well in...
Seasons Change our Perspectives I don’t know about you, but the older I get the more I enjoy the shift from summer to fall. Maybe it’s because of the season of my life, or maybe I’m just ready to curl up in my sweater, leggings and booties...
The shadow can be defined in many different ways with one being, “an imperfect and faint representation.” Exploring our shadow side is about coming face to face with the aspects of ourselves that we were taught to hide, reject and deny – and we do this with both...
We have all heard the expression “Keeping up with the Joneses.” The expression implies comparing yourself to your neighbors as a benchmark for social class. This saying is generally associated with the material aspect of your life; however, we also benchmark...
Managing emotions under pressure can seem like an impossible task. In our increasingly busy lives filled with endless to-do’s and seemingly not enough time in the day, it’s easy to feel like your trapped inside of a snow globe; shaken and scattered in all...
Have you found yourself experiencing an overwhelming emotion, but don’t quite know how to cope with it? Maybe you find yourself in an emotional loop of distractions and unhealthy habits that continue to reoccur – the moment the distraction subsides, the emotion...
This is a Transformational Time in our History: Do You Feel Pulled to Emerge Better & Stronger? No doubt 2020 will forever be etched in as one of the most memorable years of our lives. We could never have anticipated its arrival, nor predicted its outcomes....
“Slow breathing is like an anchor in the midst of an emotional storm: the anchor won’t make the storm go away, but it will hold you steady until it passes.” – Russ Harris For many of us, the uncertainty surrounding our current...
Self-Esteem Need a Boost? Need a little confidence boost? We ALL go through periods where we just don’t feel like we’re good enough. Rest assured, this is all just part of the human experience. Luckily, there are some really effective ways to build our...
Life is FULL of highs and lows. Sometimes those lows can get the best of us leaving us feeling unmotivated, disconnected, and without a purpose. Here are three ways to help lift you out of your funk when times get tough. When life is flowing, it feels amazing. Falling...
With our busy lives taking the front seat, it’s important to find ways to bring some calm into our chaos. Yoga and meditation practices continue to rise to the top of the list on ways to channel that inner peace. Mantras are an important part of these practices and...
Finding true love is something we all desire at some point in our lives. That being said, most of us have also experienced heartbreak at one point or another, and we’re left wondering; “ Is it even possible to find that match made just for me? Do soulmates really...
In our day-to-day life, we get to experience a lot of events and circumstances and know a lot of people. These things help shape what we call our belief systems. However, as with life, not everything we experience is good for us. So it is inevitable that we have...
Baggage. Everyone has some. To what extent you’re able to maneuver through it is what determines your ability to achieve the success and fulfillment you want—in any area of your life. The key is learning how to know when your baggage is what’s holding you back from...
Ancient cultures welcomed the changing of seasons by adapting to and synchronizing themselves with nature’s cycles and rhythms. For many of us in modern day society, autumn is marked by the leaves changing color, back-to-school sales, and the arrival of fall décor in...
Achieving meaningful goals can be some of the most exhilarating, exciting, and empowering moments in your life. A key component of goal setting is having a vision of where you are heading. Your vision is your “true north” and, like a star in the sky, it is always...
Daily life in today’s world can be crazy. Overwhelm and exhaustion are on the rise as endless to-do lists pile higher and higher with each passing day. Responsibilities pertaining to your career and family fall front and center, and can cause you to spin out of...
Are you using your emotions to inform you or are you letting them control you? Your mental and emotional baggage is primarily responsible for creating the discrepancy between what it is that you say you want and what you are actually experiencing on a daily basis....
Letting go of anything that is meaningful in some way – be it relationships, jobs, negative emotions, belief systems, or ideals – is probably the most difficult, painful, confusing and growth-producing thing we encounter as humans. In fact, it’s what Buddhism refers...
Trista Thorp on Emotional Healing through Forgiveness: A Guided Meditation *Click the link above In today’s meditation we will center our attention around the emotional freedom we experience through the act of forgiveness. For many of us, the act of forgiveness...