Hey there, friend–- Life can sometimes feel like a huge whirlwind, can’t it? I don’t know about you but I’ve really been feeling it lately. Unexpected changes, relationship challenges, or simply the pressure of holding everything together can leave even the strongest...
Hey there, friend— As humans, we love the idea of fresh starts. A new year, a new project, a new relationship—they all promise a clean slate. But here’s the truth: If you haven’t resolved what’s unfinished in your life, it won’t stay in the past. It will follow you,...
Hey there, friend— It’s been a minute since I shared with you how I work with women on the path of inner healing and personal growth in a level of detail that gives you a big picture vision of how it all unfolds. Whether it’s in my membership program, 1-1...
Hey there, friend— I hope this finds you living well and feeling inspired. I’m feeling called to address something you likely continue to struggle with, despite all the healing and personal growth work you’ve done. Self-Doubt There are likely some areas in...
Hey there, friend— You’ve likely noticed by now that I’m someone who takes the conversation to places that often feel uncomfortable and even triggering. The way I see it, that’s a good thing because when we’re triggered, we’re more inclined make changes. This...
Hey there, friend— Last week on the path, I zoomed in on some of the specific patterns we run when times are uncertain, and things seem to be unraveling in our lives. There’s a quote I love from one of Dan Millman’s books that has been coming to mind quite a...
Hey there, friend— This week on the path, I’m shining a light on two important factors for personal growth and spiritual development that we sometimes use as excuses for not taking action. The first is staying aligned with who you are and what is...
Hey there, friend— There are 3 integral areas of focus for those on the path of self-discovery, and those are emotional healing, personal growth, and spiritual development. Really, they’re all part of the one path. The differentiator is what part...
Hey there, friend— This week I’m shining a light on the collective conversation around recalibrating the modern rise of the feminine. I recently did a podcast episode with Alex Gil of Rebranding God, where we had a very important and to-the-point...
Hey there, friend— This week I’m shining a light on short-cutting and how it can be detrimental to our happiness, our relationships, and our ability to live a fulfilled life. Short-cutting is taking the easy way out or avoiding necessary efforts to achieve our...
Hey there, friend— Over the past several weeks, I’ve shared some of the hardships and internal struggles I experienced over the last few years. As always, my intention is to talk about the messy parts in a healthy way that both acknowledges the...
Hey there, friend— This week on the path, I’m shining a light on finding ourselves and our center when life is dishing some mighty challenges. Many of us feel the desperate need to change other people or our circumstances when things aren’t working out...
Hey there, friend— As I approached a critical point in my marriage where I would ask for a temporary separation—knowing deep inside it would likely be the end—I was toe-to-toe with my darkest thoughts and deepest fears. In the space between thoughts of the...
Hey there, friend— There’s a shared theme happening amongst a lot of people right now, and that is the eerie and unsettling sense that they’ve somehow lost their purpose, their identity, and their path. The undercurrent of 2023 has been laden with sudden loss,...
Every year in December, I spend some focused time recapitulating the year for the purpose of feeling gratitude for the people, events and experiences that helped me become a better version of myself. To help me remember all the milestones and special moments...
What is “Self-Love” I was recently asked to explain (from my perspective) “self love” and what it means to actually love yourself. More specifically, this man asked, “How do you actually DO it? How do you arrive at a place where you really love...
I’ve been a little quiet on the aviation front lately, in large part because my stuff is up (another way of saying I’m feeling frustrated because I’m up against yet another learning curve – haha!). In this...
We are ALL leaders to some capacity. We influence and affect everyone we come in contact with…EVERYONE. Leadership is something we do–consciously or unconsciously–through our daily choices and actions. It’s how we present ourselves when we think no...
Finding true love is something we all desire at some point in our lives. That being said, most of us have also experienced heartbreak at one point or another, and we’re left wondering; “ Is it even possible to find that match made just for me? Do soulmates really...
Several years ago, I was working for The Chopra Center—which I absolutely loved and was in my dharma—and, I was working way too much. My hours were long—I was stretched between running events, running teacher training’s, being a teacher myself and traveling....
How great would it be if you could call in your soul mate, the perfect person to spend the rest of your life with? Or become wildly successful and financially abundant? What if you could create anything you want and live a purpose-based life of happiness, joy, and...
Acts of violence, terrorism, and major natural catastrophes dominate global headlines and, in some cases, they have hit you directly. These events may make you question your faith, your beliefs, and your overall ability—or desire—to function in the world. There is no...
The New Year is an exciting time as it marks a fresh, clean slate from which you can start anew. Filled with inspiration, intention, and wonder, you recommit to chasing your dreams and making them a reality. You write out your goals and aspirations, buy new...
Gratitude comes in many forms and how you experience it can vary a great deal, depending on your intention. It’s easy to hone in on the things you are grateful for when life is going well. A good economy, a happy family, a loving relationship, a successful career, and...
Everyone wants to have meaningful relationships, whether it’s with family and friends, a business partnership, or an intimate relationship. Yet, finding that special someone who is both your best friend and soul mate, and who can bridge the gap of everything in...
Ancient cultures welcomed the changing of seasons by adapting to and synchronizing themselves with nature’s cycles and rhythms. For many of us in modern day society, autumn is marked by the leaves changing color, back-to-school sales, and the arrival of fall décor in...
Achieving meaningful goals can be some of the most exhilarating, exciting, and empowering moments in your life. A key component of goal setting is having a vision of where you are heading. Your vision is your “true north” and, like a star in the sky, it is always...
You may be familiar with the phrase, “What you go looking for, you’re sure to find.” Every experience you have comes in through sensory perception—taste, touch, sight, sound, and smell. How you perceive and interpret your experiences will trigger a series of thoughts...
Daily life in today’s world can be crazy. Overwhelm and exhaustion are on the rise as endless to-do lists pile higher and higher with each passing day. Responsibilities pertaining to your career and family fall front and center, and can cause you to spin out of...
Having meaningful goals you want to achieve in your life is what keeps you motivated and inspired to stay focused on what is truly important to you. Summertime, with all it’s fun and excitement, can be a wonderful—and oftentimes disastrous—distraction from the...
It’s said that each of us comes into this life with a set of unique talents and special gifts, and that a desire to be an integral part of the collective is inherent in us all. History books, childhood tales, and modern-day films alike point to the universal...
Creating Pattern Interrupts and Learning New Behaviors More and more people of all ages and walks of life are recognizing that they’ve adopted unhealthy behavior patterns and they’re desperately searching for a way out. A good dose of deconditioning...
With summer rapidly approaching, you may be gearing up for the fun, excitement, and spontaneity that are just around the corner. Out comes the camping gear, hot dogs, bathing suits, and beach towels as you prepare for family vacations, hot weather, and fun...
Setting and enforcing healthy boundaries can be the thing that enhances or sabotages relationships in any area of your life, having a detrimental effect on your happiness, confidence, and sense of self-worth. Boundaries play a huge role in personal and professional...
Are you using your emotions to inform you or are you letting them control you? Your mental and emotional baggage is primarily responsible for creating the discrepancy between what it is that you say you want and what you are actually experiencing on a daily basis....
This is a great question and one that many people struggle with. Whenever I have come upon a crossroads and I’m not sure which direction to take, I pull over, consider my options carefully and then I follow my intuition – or my gut feeling – toward...